• +99450 3568701

Payroll and HRM

Our expert support will help your HR stay compliant with local rules, wherever you operate. Our team speaks the Azeri, English language, as well as Russian, and keeps up-to-date with changes in local regulations. We are group of partners who provides global reach, yet with that intimate local knowledge gained only when you're on the ground. Our HR management, recruitment and staff development services are designed for all business sectors and companies of all sizes. 

We take your payroll outsourcing with one contact person for all issues. We take good care of your payroll outsourcing, with a human touch. Our professionals are well known experts in Azerbaijan which understand labour and social security law, and income tax regulations, inside out.

We closely monitor any developments in labor, social and tax legislation and guarantee that pay slips and any other wage statements meet all statutory requirements and are delivered in due time. 

HR solutions

We help to ensure that your international policies are fully implemented in employment contracts and handbooks. No matter what the global HR policies decree, they will need to be translated to local processes. We can help your team with that, while at the same time looking at compliance with local legislative demands and using a language your staff will understand.

We can act as a client’s local HR function, preparing employment contracts and guidelines, providing employee training assistance and securely maintaining personal confidential information.

We can help you with following tasks:

  • Reviewing company policies for local compliance and development if needed
  • Hiring and terminations
  • Administration of standard HR documents and internal orders according to the Azerbaijan legislation requirements (Employment books, personnel cards, employment orders, orders regarding employee vacation, bonus orders and etc.)
  • Handling employee queries
  • Preparation of residence permits, working permits, visa applications etc.
  • Job safety documentation
  • Workplace certification

Payroll solutions

Need someone to look after payroll for five people in your Azerbaijan office while HQ deals with the big offices? Thinking about outsourcing the payroll tasks for your Azerbaijan subsidiary that employs 200 people?

As a group of experts we can help you with:

  • Registration of new hires and termination filings of leavers
  • Monthly payroll processing and related reports preparation and filings
  • Preparation of salary payment orders
  • Electronic payslip preparation and distribution
  • Year-end personal income tax (PIT) return preparation for employees (for expat personnel) 
  • Statistical reports required by local authorities
  • Assistance during audits from the State Social Fund, Tax Department or Labour Inspectorate

We provide a wide range of HR and payroll services (including payroll processing) and outsourced HR services. Working with us, you can be sure that the full scope of payroll processing is securely managed from start to finish, mitigating compliance risk.

Travel and expense claims

We can ease the everyday life of your organization when it’s on the move.

We optimise the process for planning, controlling and reporting employee travel. Allow our method to cut down your paper work!

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Robert Kiyosaki

Atlas Consulting © 2018